Miniature Model SRS-G
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Model No. Outer dimensions Basic load rating Detail specifications CAD Dimensional drawing Radial 2D (DXF) 3D Height M Width W Length L Dynamic rating C Static rating C0 mm mm mm N N SRS 5GM 6 12 16.9 366 527 — —
Compared with model SRS5GM, it has a longer total LM block length (L) and a higher load rating and permissible moment.   Model No. Outer dimensions Basic load rating Detail specifications CAD Dimensional drawing Radial 2D (DXF) 3D Height M Width W Length L Dynamic rating C Static rating C0 mm mm mm N N SRS 5GN 6 12 20.1 448 703 — —  
Has a longer over all LM block length (L), a greater width and a larger rated load and permissible moment than Model SRS5GM.   Model No. Outer dimensions Basic load rating Detail specifications CAD Dimensional drawing Radial 2D (DXF) 3D Height M Width W Length L Dynamic rating C Static rating C0 mm mm mm N N SRS...
Compared with model SRS5WGM, it has a longer total LM block length (L) and a higher load rating and permissible moment. Model No. Outer dimensions Basic load rating Detail specifications CAD Dimensional drawing Radial 2D (DXF) 3D Height M Width W Length L Dynamic rating C Static rating C0 mm mm mm N N SRS 5WGN 6.5 17 28.1 640 1170 — —
Has a longer over all LM block length (L) than Model SRS-GM. Model No. Outer dimensions Basic load rating Detail specifications CAD Dimensional drawing Radial 2D (DXF) 3D Height M Width W Length L Dynamic rating C Static rating C0 mm mm mm kN kN SRS 7GS 8 17 19 0.946 1.16 — — SRS 9XGS 10 20 21.5 1.37 1.53 — SRS 12GS 13 27 25 2.07 2.10 — SRS 15GS 16 32 32 4.01 4.24 —
Has a longer over all LM block length (L), a greater width and a larger rated load and permissible moment than Model SRS-GS.   Model No. Outer dimensions Basic load rating Detail specifications CAD Dimensional drawing Radial 2D (DXF) 3D Height M Width W Length L Dynamic rating C Static rating C0 mm mm mm kN kN SRS...
A standard type of SRS-G. Model No. Outer dimensions Basic load rating Detail specifications CAD Dimensional drawing Radial 2D (DXF) 3D Height M Width W Length L Dynamic rating C Static rating C0 mm mm mm kN kN SRS 7GM 8 17 23.4 1.16 1.54 — — SRS 9XGM 10 20 30.8 2.22 3.06 — SRS 12GM 13 27 34.4 3.36 3.55 — SRS 15GM 16 32 43 5.59 5.72 — SRS 20GM 20 40 50 5.95 9.4 — SRS 25GM 25 48 77 13.3 22.3 —
Has a longer over all LM block length (L), a greater width and a larger rated load and permissible moment than Model SRS-GM   Model No. Outer dimensions Basic load rating Detail specifications CAD Dimensional drawing Radial 2D (DXF) 3D Height M Width W Length L Dynamic rating C Static rating C0 mm mm mm kN kN SRS...
Compared with model SRS-GM, it has a longer total LM block length (L) and a higher load rating and permissible moment.   Model No. Outer dimensions Basic load rating Detail specifications CAD Dimensional drawing Radial 2D (DXF) 3D Height M Width W Length L Dynamic rating C Static rating C0 mm mm mm kN kN SRS 7GN 8 17 31 1.63 2.51 — — SRS 9XGN 10 20 40.8 2.94 4.59 — SRS...
Compared with model SRS-WGM, it has a longer total LM block length (L) and a higher load rating and permissible moment.   Model No. Outer dimensions Basic load rating Detail specifications CAD Dimensional drawing Radial 2D (DXF) 3D Height M Width W Length L Dynamic rating C Static rating C0 mm mm mm kN kN SRS 7WGN 9 25 40.9 2.12 3.66 — — SRS 9WGN 12 30 50.7 3.48 5.81 — SRS...